Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Memilih Maianan Anak

Sebagai orang tua yang mempunyai anak yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah dasar, pasti tidak bisa lepas dari yang namanya mainan. Bermain adalah salah satu kebutuhan dasar dari anak anak. Yang namanya orang tua pasti punya keinginan agar anaknya bisa punya waktu bermain dan mendapatkan yang terbaik dalam masa kanak kanak mereka, termasuk menyediakan mainan yang baik. Salah satunya adalah memilih mainan yang baik yang cocok buat perkembangan anak itu sendiri. Contohnya adalah mainan anak edukatif. Berikut ini beberapa tips dalam memilih mainan yang cocok sesuai dengan usia anak seperti yang saya baca di harian kompas :

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Banyaknya mainan anak yang beredar di pasaran dengan harga dan bentuk yang bervariasi harus menjadi perhatian para orang tua. Pasalnya, sampai saat ini masih banyak ditemukan bergaman mainan anak yang mengandung zat kimia berbahaya berupa logam berat seperti Merkuri, Timbal, Kadmium dan Kromium.
Hal ini semakin diperparah dengan adanya pasar bebas, khususnya produk-produk China yang masuk ke Indonesia dengan harga murah dan bersaing. Banyak produk China masuk secara ilegal sehingga memunculkan kekhawatiran sejumlah orang tua akan keamanan produk mainan yang mereka beli untuk kesehatan anak mereka.
Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, Noor Jehan, staf peneliti dari Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) membagikan beberapa tips untuk orang tua agar dapat memilih mainan yang aman untuk anak-anak mereka : 
* Baca label dengan teliti : Kebanyakan orang tua membeli mainan anak tidak membaca label. Berdasarkan temuan YLKI, banyak mainan yang tidak memiliki label bahasa Indonesia. Padahal, dalam peraturan perdagangan dijelaskan bahwa produk apa pun harus mencantumkan label berbahasa Indonesia, yang berisi tentang bagaimana cara menggunakannya dan untuk usia berapa. 
* Harga mahal belum tentu aman : Selama ini, banyak orang tua beranggapan bahwa harga menentukan kualitas. Hal ini memang benar, tetapi tidak selamanya harga mainan yang mahal itu aman. "Dari temuan yang kita dapatkan, ada mainan anak yang harganya Rp 30 ribu sampai Rp 300 ribu. Ternyata yang mahal itu masih terdapat bahan kimia dan logam berbahaya," kata Noor.
* Membeli mainan sesuai usia anak : Misalnya, untuk anak berusia 3 tahun sebaiknya jangan dibelikan mainan yang ukurannya terlampau kecil. Karena yang ditakutkan, anak Anda akan memasukkan mainan tersebut ke dalam mulut mereka. "Sehingga, apabila zat berbahaya itu masuk ke dalam tubuh dan berakumulasi akan membahayakan kesehatan anak," tambahnya.
* Periksa fisik mainan:  Beberapa mainan edukasi anak umumnya berbahan dasar kayu seperti sempoa. Sehingga penting untuk melihat dan memeriksa kondisi permukaan mainan, apakah aman atau tidak bagi anak. Karena serpihan mainan berbahan kayu yang tidak mulus misallnya bisa masuk ke tangan anak-anak atau bahkan ikut termakan.
Demikian untuk sekadar sharing, semoga bermanfaat.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Boys matter

The boy has a physical characteristic that tends to be much stronger than girls. But I see a lot of education in the family who 'spoil' boys in domestic work extends to the typical male job itself mainan anak edukatif online. As a result, many adult males, especially in urban areas, who may not know what the hammer, nails, screwdriver, pliers, spoon wall, saws, hoes, shovels, fixing a leaky roof, repainting, replacing water pipes, etc. Probably could have such jobs subscription with others, but what also hurts to know a little more, so in the case of such water faucets off and did not need to call 'craft'.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

creativity and emotional qoutient

Creativity and Emotional Qoutient
 Daniel Goleman (1996), EQ expert, say, IQ accounts for 20 percent of it in one's success. While the other 80% is determined by the power in EQ. Among them is the willingness to work hard, discipline, and confidence.
Individual whose high EQ has the ability to control theirself which would give them the endurance to delay gratification for a moment in order to get greater success in the future. Discipline and hard work this is undoubtedly one of the components of success.
Those who succeed are those who continue to practice hard at other times fun. Parents can allow their children to do the test and receive a possible offense, would make them grow and develop into a person who is confident and not afraid to try new things. Of course, in this case, parents should continue to provide oversight, but the rules given enough on the things that are essential.

Remember, any work produced by children, parents should be able to appreciate it. Perhaps their work does not mean to the parents, mainan anak edukatif online but it could be an invaluable work for the child.
Because it is through their work that children feels able to create. Awards will be shown by parents can help children get interested in trying harder to get the next award.

creativity, intelligent quotient and enviroment

Gulford (1967), one of the experts in the measurement intelligent, imposes limits that to IQ score of 120 (threshold intelligence for creativity). More than that figure, intelligence is no longer an influence on creativity. This means that children whose IQ 140 is definitely not more creative than his IQ is 120. Due to superior creative work, is not actually required a very high IQ, just on the verge of intelligence alone.
Conversely, if very low, below average, would be difficult to be creative. However, the child should still be encouraged and stimulated to creativity can be developed, although this would not result works very superior.mainan anak edukatif online
Creativity child IQ tinggipun dependent environment. It could be a preschoolers high IQ but his parents Just mementingkanhal-academic things, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
As a result, the child does not develop imagination. In fact, the power of preschoolers is imagination. In other words, the smart child is not necessarily creative.

communication with children

It is important to always maintain good communication between parents and children. Good communication is the establishment of the familiar two-way dialogue between parents and children. Good communication will be able to create a closeness between parent and child, both physically and psychologically .. Thus, the child will not hesitate and they do not  afraid to express what they think.
So that good communication can be established, parents can do the ways below; mainan anak edukatif online

  • Open discussion of topics that interest them. Thus once can provoke the curiosity of children.
  • Never be annoyed or bored with the little questions that may be repeated. That indicate they have not       understood the explanation.
  • Answer the child's questions with simple language that is easily understood. Thus the child will continue to be motivated to get to know and find out new things. Parents should not stop broaden their horizons and knowledge, especially regarding to something that children eager to know.
  • Accompany children  when playing. Indeed, at the time of the child's particular needs solitude. Let him absorbed in a toy. But at other times, the children must require parents as a playmate. Well come along to play with the children, not merely accompany or just give instruction. Involving parents physically and emotionally, the interaction between parents and children will be able to developed.
  • If the kids get bored playing, doing other activities that hone child's creativity and imagination. Such as read stories or fairy tales interesting. Parents can find many books that help stimulate the child's creativity.

membentuk anak kreatif

How to shape the character of the child so that the child can be creative, consider some of the reviews below:

  • Choosing appropriate parenting, parents play an important role in the formation of children's creativity

  • Not too controlling the expression of creativity of children, if parents are too controlling the child's behavior, especially when coupled with the restrictions or criticisms regarding the child's behavior, it is almost certain the child will grow into a passive child.

  • Avoiding criticism deadly creativity of children, show the child to  not hesitate to show appreciation to their behavior and tend to accept the child's behavior, so he feels comfortable and dare to try new things. Penerimaqn of parents also make a child has a view Posit if to himself.

  • Gives a sense of security and confidence educational toys online
    Because it has a sense of security and confidence, then the child is not experiencing difficulties in expressing themselves, dare to make their own decisions, take risks realistic, and courageous decisions that have been responsible for their take. They can seek out and explore the environment so relatively easily stimulated
    his creativity.