Tuesday, November 11, 2014

membentuk anak kreatif

How to shape the character of the child so that the child can be creative, consider some of the reviews below:

  • Choosing appropriate parenting, parents play an important role in the formation of children's creativity

  • Not too controlling the expression of creativity of children, if parents are too controlling the child's behavior, especially when coupled with the restrictions or criticisms regarding the child's behavior, it is almost certain the child will grow into a passive child.

  • Avoiding criticism deadly creativity of children, show the child to  not hesitate to show appreciation to their behavior and tend to accept the child's behavior, so he feels comfortable and dare to try new things. Penerimaqn of parents also make a child has a view Posit if to himself.

  • Gives a sense of security and confidence educational toys online
    Because it has a sense of security and confidence, then the child is not experiencing difficulties in expressing themselves, dare to make their own decisions, take risks realistic, and courageous decisions that have been responsible for their take. They can seek out and explore the environment so relatively easily stimulated
    his creativity.

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